First of all, let's define the terms "calisthenics" and "mass". "Calisthenics" are the systematic application of self-organizing principles to the problem of maintaining physiologic or psychological equilibrium. This phenomenon is directly related to the activities of all body systems - breathing, metabolism, elimination of toxins, internal organs, formation of defenses, etc. "Mass" - the total process of eliminating fat, reducing its size, preparing metabolism for further processing. Excessive fat accumulation can not be excluded, but must be eliminated as quickly as possible. Excessive satiation, stress, lack of recovery, etc.2. Definition of the term " target area ": 1. there must be a clearly defined goal - a clear step on the path of achieving a state of normality, a perfectly symmetrical physique, anabolism (the process of making oneself physically unfit for human life). 2. The correct technique of performing exercises. 3. The amount of weight to which the muscles are stretched, and how much to allow them to relax. 4. in what situations - acute, chronic, normal, malfunctioning organs, defective blood vessels – clearly defined roles. 5. Management of injuries and illnesses. 6. Prevention of chronic diseases. 7. Development of immunity. 8. Protection of personal data. 9. Regulation of the level of our immune system. 10. Regulation of the level of our hormone system.Body tolerances are adjusted by the use of techniques such as "geographical adjustment", "natural rate", "seasonal affect", "day-night system". 1. Natural rateThe human body experiences fluctuations in temperature by 1-2°C in the surrounding temperature range. Consequently, in many situations, it is necessary to reduce the duration of illness and shorten the period of time it takes for the decline in hormone levels. For example, in the workplace, in temperate zones, it is necessary to reduce the load by 15-20% during the day, and 20-30% at night. In extreme sports, such as skiing, the body experiences a significant stress, and the loss of immunity occurs at a much faster pace. In such a situation, it is necessary to reduce the intensity and duration of illness, increase the level of our hormone and blood circulation, and, in principle, allow us to relax. 2. Seasonal affectMany people are affected by the change in the seasons. It is impossible to predict with certainty what conditions will exist in different parts of the world, but certain patterns appear to be established. First, the body experiences a significant stress, and then it begins to "choose" high-quality over quantity. People begin to lose their individuality, become less competitive, and their work, leisure time and passion for creation is replaced by the pursuit of new interesting things. In General, the